The description of Beautiful Tasbeeh Counter - Play With New Friends
Beautiful Tasbeeh Counter is a brand new and stylish Muslim Tasbeeh App developed by Red Rosy.It helps to count your daily zikar and other important tasbeehaat and wazaif in a very smart and easiest way. Read some excellent features of our Beautiful Tasbeeh Counter below!Unique & Smart Features• This app will remember your counts even if your app is closed.• Beautiful themes. (You can change the theme by clicking on the N button)• Tap sounds. (You can change/Off the sound by clicking on the S button)• Tap Vibrations. (You can turn On/Off the Vibration by clicking on the V button)• Beautiful Button Styles. (you can change Button Style by clicking on the B button)• Reset The Counter. (You can reset the counter by clicking on the R button)• Set the Counts Limit by pressing the L button.• Turn On/Off the Flashlight by long Press on a Big button.