The description of Al-Akhdari in 2 Languages - Play With New Friends
Al-Akhdari in 2 Languages: An App for Understanding Islamic Purification and Ritual PrayersThe Al-Akhdari in 2 Languages app by Em Ess Apps is a free Android application designed to aid non-Arabic speaking Muslims in understanding the Mukhtasar al-Akhdari book by Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Akhdari. The app presents the book in both Arabic and English languages, making it easier for users to comprehend the content.Em Ess AppsAndroidThe Mukhtasar al-Akhdari book is an essential guide for every adult Muslim or Muslimah to understand Islamic purification and ritual prayers. The book also contains do's and don'ts of the Islamic religion. With the help of this app, users can easily access the content of the book and learn about Islamic practices and beliefs. The app is a valuable resource for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the Islamic religion.