The description of Age of Empires: World Domination - Play With New Friends
Age of Empires: World Domination is a real time strategy game where players choose their own civilization and build an empire. Along the way, they'll have to face off against their human and AI rivals. Starting out, you'll have to choose one of eight different civilizations that the game provides users, each one of them with its own unit and special heroes. Aim to recruit your heroes so that they'll battle shoulder to shoulder for your empire, as they will become indispensable when commanding your troops into battle. Almost all the action that happens in Age of Empires: World Domination is divided into two screens: empire and battle. Constructing buildings, recruiting troops, and harvesting resources all take place within the empire window. Building renovation and maintenance are also part of the game, along with making new contacts with heroes, as well as standard management and strategizing.