The description of Adventure Ball - Play With New Friends
Adventure Ball is a skill game where you have to explore tons of different platforms where your only mission is to survive each one. To move your little ball, you don't have to do anything at all; it automatically moves forward and you just have to tap the screen to jump over all the obstacles you see along the way. However, one danger you need to watch out for in Adventure Ball is the sharp spikes that constantly fall from the ceiling. These spikes will be the end of you if you hesitate for even a second. So, when you see a staircase for example, you have to make sure you jump at the exact right moment so you don't waste even a second, or the spikes will fall on you. In your path in Adventure Ball, you'll find tons of elements that appear to be obstacles but are no more than the game's graphics. This means you need you need to pay attention to distinguish between harmless objects and potential obstacles to make sure you get as far as possible.