The description of 5by - Play With New Friends
5by is a kind of social network where you can discover, enjoy, and share the best videos on the web through a perfectly optimized channel.The idea behind a social network like 5by is that, on the Internet, there are millions of videos, and the great majority of them are simply not interesting at all or less interesting than others. Thanks to the customizable filters in 5by, only the best videos get to you, like those with the cutest cats, the funniest falls, and the most spectacular feats.Using 5by, you can search all kinds of videos by using the categories defined by the application or by name as you would normally. Once you find an interesting video, you'll be able to share it with any friend that you think might find it interesting, too.One of the best parts about 5by is how personal it is. If a friend is a real animal lover and you find a video of cute baby pigs, you'll send it, but that same friend might not be interested in that video about guns that you liked so much.5by is a social network for sharing videos that makes filtering all of YouTube much easier, letting you access only the best videos.