The description of 500 Cards! - Play With New Friends
500 Cards - A Hilarious Party Game500 Cards is a free board game developed by for Android devices. It's a fun party game that can be played with friends and family. The game consists of one player asking a question from a black card, and everyone else answering with their funniest white card. AndroidBefore the game starts, each player receives 10 Light Cards. One player is randomly selected and assigned as the Card Guru for that round. The Guru takes the Dark Card and reads its contents aloud, which can be a question or an "insert-missing-word" phrase. The rest of the players have to answer the question or complete the phrase by choosing the Light Card on their devices.the Dark CardAfter all the players have given their answers, the Card Guru announces the results of the "crossing" of Dark and Light Cards. The Guru chooses the answer he likes best, and the right to be a Guru is passed on to the next player in line. With its simple interface and endless humor, 500 Cards is a great game for parties or gatherings.Dark and Light Cards